Women's History Month is about raising awareness and educating those around us about the essential role women have played (and continue to play) in shaping society. This month is also about inspiring future generations of women to pursue their aspirations and reach their full potential. Women can achieve this by safeguarding their health and the planet.

You probably don't automatically think of women's health & sustainable development intertwining, but they do. Before diving in, we must understand what sustainability means-- sustainable development strives to meet the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future generations. Below are three ways you can make sustainable choices that will positively impact your health and the planet:  

Chemical-free personal care products.

Many products marketed towards women have chemicals in them that are endocrine disrupting-- this means they disturb hormones. Choosing products made of organic ingredients is not only better for the planet, but they're also better for our health. But buyer beware, greenwashing marketing tactics-- misleading labels on products intended to increase sales by appearing "eco-friendly" are rampant. Check out the FDA's green guides to learn more here.

Choose organic foods.

There are ways you can eat organic on a budget. For instance, buying locally, eating in season, and buying frozen organic produce are practical ways to make organic food more affordable. Synthetic pesticides and fertilizers harm human health; thus, we should avoid foods containing these. 

Opt for sustainable fashion.

Did you know conventional clothing production contains many chemicals that can pollute our environment? By purchasing clothing made from organic and natural materials, women can reduce their exposure to harmful chemicals and support a healthier planet. 



By practicing ways to safeguard their health and planet, women can support a more sustainable world for future generations to enjoy.